Thursday, August 04, 2005

NYC- July 30, 2005

We left Indianapolis at 5:30 in the morning and arrived in New York at 8:30. We checked in and then headed to get discounted tickets for a Broadway show. They have a stand inTimes Square (and that was only a half a block from our hotel!). We got tickets for the 2:00 matinee performance of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with John Lithgow.

We had some time before the performance so we went and had some New York pizza, made reservations for a comedy show that night and then walked to Bryant park. We even saw The Naked Cowboy!

We went to the 2:00 performance of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. The theater ended up being right across the street from our hotel. It was really good. We even got a glimpse of John Lithgow after the show.

We had some dinner and then headed to Caroline's on Broadway (it is a comedy club). Where we got to see The Weasel himself, Pauly Shore, live on stage. It was hands down the best show we had ever seen! He was hilarious. This picture isn't that good, but it is him.

After the show we headed back to Times Square, got some popcorn and then headed back to the hotel (which by the way, was more like a filing cabinet drawer. Maybe 125 square feet).


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