It's November 21st, but kind of warm outside (~40 degrees) - so that means it's time to decorate! We decided that since we're going to be gone from this Wednesday (up to Lansing, Grand Rapids, and South Bend) to Sunday, that we should go ahead and get the house all snazzed up for Christmas.

I had to climb onto the roof to hang the lights from the gutters. Actually that's my stunt double. When it comes to selecting the lights for the house, it's really a simple decision - C9 all the way - the biggest ones they've got. I get the feeling that the neighbors look at me and think stuff like, "that guy is a jackass", and "if he's an engineer then I seriously doubt our higher education system". To which I would say, "Yes, I probably am, and me too."

Jill re-arranged the living room and put up the tree and ornaments. I'm pretty much useless when it comes to this part, so it was a good thing that she had the time to herself to take care of it. Plus when she did it yesterday the Colts were busy shredding the Bengals, so I was double-super-useless.

Luckily Menards had these things on sale, that and we bought stock in a small Chinese company that makes them - so it's a win-win really. Or is it a win-win-win?

I gave a call to Air Traffic Control at Indy International, to make sure that none of the jets would mistake our house for runway 3 (it's the one shaped like a house :). They assured me that it doesn't really happen that often. The bad part about the C9 lights might be the power bill. Each one is about 1/2 the size of a regular light bulb - so basically overnight we went from 10 light bulbs on to about 110. Oh well, at least we'll be
festive poor people.
Nice job on the decorating. Looks nice. Christmas with the Carnes.:>)
You're pretty brave to get on your roof like that!! It looks good. If you have time while you're here this weekend, give me a call even to stop by and say hi. have a good Thanksgiving.
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