This is what a cookie looks like when it falls through the grates in the oven. Not real good. Christmas with the McKees was on Christmas Day, and marked our 3rd and final Christmas get together. We spent the day with Jill's grandparents, her Mom and Dave, Randi, Joe and Rachel, Uncle Brian and Tracy, and Tracy's parents, who were in town from Kentucky. Unfortunately Jill's Uncle Greg got hung up at work in Little Rock due to an IT catastrophe at his office, so he and Suzy, Sara, Kelsey and Steven couldn't make it to South Bend.

Brian and Tracy, covered in gifts :) They recently built a house in Elkhart, and we had a chance to go over and take the tour for the first time. It's very nice, and well decorated I must say (nice Harley accents Brian), and we were glad to be able to check it out and spend some more time with them.

Rachel was helping to open Grammy and Dave's presents. She's holding the shade to a lamp that Julie just opened, but as you can see Rachel thinks it makes a great toy.

Randi, Great-Grandma and Rachel - laughing it up. Rachel stood up to the endurance marathon that is McKee gift opening - I think it took about 5 hours, give or take 30 minutes, but she played, crawled, and ate right through it without any whining. What a trooper.

A picture of Jill and I and Rachel, Randi and Joe in front of Gran and Pap's Christmas tree. It was a fun day and night (playing DVD Family Fued - thanks Brian and Tracey) with everyone, and of course filled with many great gifts, but the greatest gift was all being together...man, it's getting a little sappy in here....:)
Great pics and posts! We had a wonderful time (as always) I think I am need a kleenex myself...ha
What a great time we had, and thanks for the pictures, Chuck !!
Mom & Dave
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