Today we went over to Castleton 4D Ultrasound on the north side of Indianapolis to get our 3D ultrasound done. We had seen pictures online of this ultrasound method, and we weren't disappointed. The technician confirmed that Maddie still appears to be a good name choice, over Matthew. Check out the pictures below to see what we saw during the ultrasound.

In this picture the baby's body and head are out of the picture (at the bottom), but there is still plenty to see. You can easily make out both hands together and all five fingers on the left one. There on the right going up at an angle is the bottom of her right leg with the right foot going up to the left. I guess for those medically-inclined we can see excellent specimens of the right ulna, right and left carpals and metacarpals, and all five of the left phalanges of the hand. As well, I would concur that we are seeing a right fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges of the foot.

This is the real beauty. What a stunner. I don't think this picture really requires an explanation, but this is our little girl's beautiful face. We didn't get a straight-on picture, but in this one you can see her cheek, chin, ear, nose, mouth, and eye. It was pretty awesome to be able to see her face for the first time.
Just simply amazing! What a wonderful creation from an awesome designer :) And after she is born will be even more amazing!!
WE love you guys,
Wow, this is fantastic!!! I cant believe we can see her face so well. I cannot wait for her to get here !!!!!!!
Holy crap, that is soo cool!! It takes some of the worry out before she's born making sure everything is fine, which we knew it would be but it just makes it more concrete. Totally awesome!!
Ain't modern technology amazing!!Hard to picture my baby becoming a father:) Time marches on;)
Mom and Dad
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